This website is designed to provide all our customers, including users with disabilities, the ability to enjoy a rich and rewarding shopping or browsing experience. We do this by utilising good practice in choosing complementary colours for backgrounds and text. We endeavour to ensure images are kept to a minimum in navigational areas.
All content images on this site are provided with descriptive ALT attributes. Where images contain important information, such as graphs and charts, alternative information is provided in the form of inline descriptions of tabular data
Cascading Style Sheets
Our site uses CSS (cascading style sheets) for visual and design layout this enables users to customise the appearance of the site to their preferences. Users without CSS will be able to browse a hierarchical list of contents.
Our website offers basic functionality and navigation without JavaScript available. We try to keep JavaScript dependency to a minimum, using it exclusively for animation and user-experience purposes. With JavaScript switched off, the website can still be navigated; rudimentary functions can be performed; and site content can still be consumed.
Adobe Flash
We do not use Adobe Flash Player, as this necessitates that the user have a plugin installed to view and consume content. HTML5 provides the necessary technology to deliver rich media like video without requiring any plugins beyond the web browser's native components, and We recommend using the most recent version of Adobe Flash Player, which is available from Adobe.
Assistive Technology Users
We strive to provide the best user-experience for
all visitors to our web site. We are committed to continuing to find ways to enhance and improve the experience for all guests, including those using assistive technologies. For help & support using the site, please
contact us.